The Alpha dog is leader of the pack. The Omega is the follower. In a doggie and human companion setting, the Alpha is preferably you, the human and the Omega is your pooch. In most cases, your dog will challenge your superiority as the Alpha. The problem is, you don’t even realize it’s happening. As a result, you give the improper response. Hence, your pooch thinks he is the Alpha.
The Goal
This article will identify several doggie Alpha traits. The efficacy of your response depends on two things. First is immediate feedback. Second is regularity of response. You, and ALL your household members plus frequent visitors must respond the same way whenever the same situation arises.
Positive and Neutral Reinforcement
You only utilize two types of response. Positive response like praise and treats is always the best to reinforce the right behaviour. Neutral response means; not doing anything, walking away from your pooch, and waiting. Never use negative reinforcement such as hitting, shouting, and screaming! This is downright reprehensible.
Training Them Young!
The easiest way to become the Alpha is to train your pooch as young as possible. Another secret is to keep your pooch with the litter as long as possible (2 to 3 months). This way your pooch learns the hierarchy from the litter and doggie parents
Obedience Training and Feeding
Your dog will follow the person that does the training. This is especially true if the same person does the feeding. So be both!
The Last Bark
Always have the last say! If your pooch misbehaves, don’t let him get away with it. Say “Bad Dog” in a stern manner. Don’t scream or shout. Your dog has super hearing, so a low growly “Bad Dog” with an exaggerated hand gesture will do.
Make Your Pooch Come to You
After scolding your pooch, you walk away. From that point on, you wait for your pooch to come to you. Never do the reverse. The Omega always comes to the Alpha, not the other way around! Tip: to speed things up have his favorite toy in hand.
Make Your Pooch Wait
Your pooch fell for the bait. You have his favorite toy and so he came to get it! Don’t give it to a barking and excited pooch. You make your pooch wait. Say “Stop”. Your hand should make the stop sign.
Now make your pooch sit. Slowly lower the toy to give it to your pooch. If your pooch stands up or gets excited, pull it back up. Again, say “Stop” then “Sit”. Your goal is to have the toy in front of your pooch’s face and the latter still waiting until you hand it over.
Feeding Time
The Alpha determines what the Omega eats, not the other way around. By giving in to your pooch when it comes to feeding time, you become the Omega. Proper feeding means 2 things. The first is your pooch eats everything and does it fast. The second is your pooch waits obediently until your hand has let go of the doggie bowl.
First, you do not let dog food sit uneaten for long. If your dog does not eat and finish everything after 5 to 15 minutes, take away the dog food. Make sure your pooch sees this. Also, be sure, you are feeding your pooch the proper formula and ratio. After a day, two at most, your pooch will get with the program and eat everything before the time is up.
Second, your pooch has to wait for you to let go of the bowl (like the toy). If your doggie scratches and tries to climb on you to get the food, you keep it way. Say “Stop” and “Sit”. Lower the bowl, if your pooch gets up, bring the bowl back up. After dozens of repetitions, your dog will get with the program and wait.
Praise your pooch when he learns to wait. Don’t try to pet your pooch, when eating. Even Omega’s are hard wired to protect the food they are eating.
Your pooch fell for the bait. You have his favorite toy and so he came to get it! Don’t give it to a barking and excited pooch. You make your pooch wait. Say “Stop”. Your hand should make the stop sign.
Now make your pooch sit. Slowly lower the toy to give it to your pooch. If your pooch stands up or gets excited, pull it back up. Again, say “Stop” then “Sit”. Your goal is to have the toy in front of your pooch’s face and the latter still waiting until you hand it over.